When managing your store, you probably recognized that some categories have some similarities to one another. Therefore, it's understandable that a product/service can be in many different categories. With bePOS, this problem is solved easily.
1. Open bePOS application and login under Management Authority
2. On the menu bar, select Manage
3. In Products section, choose Product/Service and select the one that you want to update
Note: You could add a new Product/Service and follow the following steps to add multiple categories for a product/service. Refer to the instruction to add a new product/service here.
4. On Edit Product/Service screen, swipe down to see Categories section
Note: To display products/services in POS screen, at least one category should be selected.
5. To add more categories, tap on the icon in Category section
A new Category line is shown allowing you to add a new category or delete the old one
6. Save changes (if any)
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